Child of Many Talents

Some kids love to paint. Some like to draw. Others like to sew, etc. But what do you do when you have a child with many talents? 

There are so many doors to open, so many options to explore…

I feel like my daughters like everything! Don’t give me wrong, they are NOT good at everything they like, but it fascinates me that they want to try it all.

What can we keep their minds productive?

This is a constant challenge in my home. It’s hard to keep them happily entertained because their minds are always spinning with so many ideas and desires! They go through activities fast (not rushed) and then get bored.

From toys to painting supplies, from overloaded bookshelves to boxes and boxes of puzzles; from crafts and jewelry making to dancing and modeling; they try it all. And they like it!

As I started exposing them, especially my now 12-year old, I thought that she would choose one or two things to focus on. The ‘choice’ hasn’t been made yet.

So, our dilemma today is ‘What should we share first in our Blog?’

My 12-year-old, who also happens to be my collaborator writer, chose one of her passions: books. So, let’s talk about books!

The door to imagination

As mentioned before both my girls REALLY LOVE books. But they are not the read-one-time-and-be-done-with-it kind of readers. In addition to new titles, they want to re-read some of the same books over and over again. So, ‘what’s wrong with this?’, you might ask,  ‘Get 6 to 10 books and you’re set until the next reading level!’ Well… not quite!

I started reading to my daughter when she was just a newborn. In reality, it became a ritual. Either mom or dad would read a bedtime story to her. Then, when she turned one-year-old, I started taking her to our local library for their Story Time. The librarian who led the group was so kind, gentle and enthusiastic! My daughter would get all excited whenever I told her we were going to the library to read with Miss Janet. We would never leave the library without checking out a few books. This certainly created a habit of having a number of books available at our home.

Then, we started noticing some ‘favorites’  and we would purchase them as they were not always available for check out at the library.

Our own book collection grew bigger as the years passed. Now, my younger one enjoys the books that her sister once loved (but never wanted to let them go!).

We will be using this online space also to post book reviews and recommendation from a 12-year old perspective. If you have a favorite book and would like it to be read and reviewed, please contact us and let’s chat!

Each week we will talk about a different talent and we will share ideas for arts and crafts projects, on-camera experiments, explore ideas and test talents.

We hope you enjoy spending some of your time with us! Please reach out with any question, comments or ideas.


    1. That’s a great idea, Maria! Thanks.
      I haven’t heard of any book exchange groups in the area, so we might just start one! 🙂

  1. We are totally in the same boat with our son loving so many different things… trains, trucks, legos, puzzles, science kits. And we want him to try and discover even more things. Hope eventually he’ll zero in on just a couple!

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