
Such a beautiful, fancy and trendy word, but what exactly is entrepreneurship?Here is the official definition: the activity of setting up a business or businesses, taking on financial risks in the hope of profit. In other words: the act of starting a business and continuing to be an active participant in that business’ operations. In […]

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Craft Idea

Recycling was always a big thing for me. Not in the modern sense though. I had to recycle because my family had very limited resources and we couldn’t afford wasting anything. Back home, we would even reuse 2-liter of soda as plant pots. More than environment concern at the time, it was a matter of […]

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Engage Your Imagination

Creativity is in each one of us. But what good is talent if it lacks the tools to put creative energy on the road and use it successfully in innovation processes? What tools and methods exist to encourage creativity and make it work? Before dealing with the helpful tools to strengthen our own creative potential, […]

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