
And just like this, summer is almost gone. What have you been doing during summer break?

We live in Florida, so the beach is our happy place. We always have so much fun at the beach. I love watching my girls making new friends and exploring nature. At the beach, snail race is one of our favorite games! The girls catch snails and line them on the boogie board and they race off to jump back in the water. Such a silly game, but it will keep them entertained for the longest time. As a mere audience, I can assure you it’s a surprisingly electrifying event. They also enjoy observing the tiny little mussels that get washed on the seashore as they dig their way back into the sand. Not to mention the sand dollars hunting… Don’t worry, no sea creature was ever harmed during any of those games and/or explorations. The ocean is so fascinating… There is so much to see and discover… a world of beauty and mystery.

What about the sunset? Oh my! It takes my breath away each time. I seriously could watch the sunset every day and never get tired of it. I feel magic and power all around this show. Yes, that is how I see it: a mesmerizing, breathtaking (and free!) show. A show that delivers a personalized experience for each of the countless times we witness it.

During one of our beach outings, my two daughters went different ways. I was watching the little one as the older one was boogie-boarding a bit too far from me. So I went closer to ask her to come back. As I am looking towards the deep, I see this big dark shadow in the water. I thought it was a large seaweed bush or something of the sort, but it kept moving sideways. I pointed to it trying to get attention from the other swimmers. I remember one lady running out of the water as she screamed ‘I don’t know what it is, and I’m not staying to find out!’. It was kinda funny. Meanwhile, the ‘thing’ continued moving sideways, as if it was crossing the beach. Two girls were on its way, and that when the episode gets really funny. (Well… after we found out what really was). When they saw the ‘thing’, it was already next to them. They startled, screamed and tried to run. I think that as they screamed they also scared the poor creature. I must confess that I was amused to see the two ‘sets of creatures’  scaring each other and running (in this case swimming) in opposite directions. By the way, the ‘thing’ turned out to be a harmless and enormous manatee. 

It’s been an intense, unique and fun summer. We juggle with a tight budget, but we still manage to make wonderful memories.

When I see friends and/or acquaintances showing off their long and fancy summer vacations, I truly (!) feel happy for them. They work their way to earning what they’re enjoying. 

I wish each of us could have the same chances, but life circumstances are different for everybody. Nevertheless, I don’t envy anybody. I also don’t feel undermined just because I can’t afford a fancy vacation or expensive goods for myself for my kids. There are many other ways to make our time together memorable. 

So, although there is absolutely nothing wrong about enjoying the best money can buy, you can still be happy and fulfilled without luxury. The time you spend with those who matter to you, the memories you create, the relationships you build, the love you spread, the kindness you share… these are the things that will make you remember and be remembered.

Over time, you’ll learn that a Michael Kors wallet holds the same amount of money than any other wallet. 

So enjoy life! Go to the beach, climb a mountain, sit by someone special, smell the flowers, watch the sunset… Do something that will make you happy. These things won’t require any financial investment and will likely make you happy! If you can, do throw some fanciness into your summer – absolutely nothing wrong with that! Bottom line is, the sun shines for everybody. Don’t deprive yourself of the beauty of life. You too can have your share of fun and happiness. 

If you are on a tight budget, you can still use your creativity to make this summer break memorable. Here are a few ideas to spark your imagination. Have a marvelous rest of summer!

Fun things to do at summertime

  • Go to the beach
  • Collect seashells
  • Watch the sunset
  • Fly a kite
  • Visit a theme park
  • Go camping
  • Check local factory tours
  • Plan a picnic at the park
  • Go nature walking
  • Invite friends over for a pool party
  • Host a watermelon seed spitting contest
  • Go bowling
  • Invite friends for a movie session
  • Visit a splash park
  • Have a water balloon toss with your friends
  • Make a sidewalk chalk mural
  • Have an outdoor painting party
  • Go roller skating
  • Attend an outdoor festival or concert
  • Go geo-catching

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