What’s for dinner?

Do you have picky eaters in your house? Well…I do. Two picky eaters to be precise. :/

I consider myself a decent cook. Not the extravagant type, but the ‘moderate-homemade-style-type. Nevertheless, my kids ALWAYS fuss when it’s meal time. I am lucky enough that they eat healthy, but I gotta tell you – if it was by their choice all they would eat ice cream, bread, and candy!

So, every now and then and try something special that includes everything I WANT them to eat. How can I accomplish that? Pizza, of course! Most kids I know, mine absolutely included, would happily switch a 4-course high end meal for a couple of slices of pizza. 

This delicious, appealing and easy meal solution seems to make everyone happy. So, why not take advantage of it? 

For those of you who, like me, don’t want to spend lots of money preparing or buying meals, here is an idea for an enhanced pizza. I’ll tell you what I do, but truth be told, you can use your own imagination and do whatever and however you want, as long as it works for your pick eaters.
We have a pretty hectic schedule in my house. Between school, modeling, sports and dance practices, we end up spending a lot of time in the car and I don’t always have time to be super creative in the kitchen. 

The enhanced pizza idea came out after my favorite pizza place closed its doors. They used to make delicious pizza with fresh vegetables and it was amazing! I tried but was unable to find an affordable replacement for their pizza. So I decided to create my own and I’m here to share with you. (BTW, my kiddos love to help prepare it, so it becomes a fun and educational activity as well!)

Rosie’s enhanced pizza 🙂


  • Refrigerated pizza from your local grocery store (I usually get the pepperoni pizza)

  • Fresh spinach

  • Fresh tomato

  • Fresh mushroom

  • Fresh garlic

  • Feta cheese


  • Slice a couple of garlic cloves (very thin cut) and spread around the pizza. Add sliced tomatoes and mushrooms. Don’t forget to spread some yummy feta cheese. Lastly add chopped spinach (a lot in my case!). Bake it as instructed on the original pizza box. 

Voila! Delicious and nutritious meal for a Friday night. 😀


  1. This sounds so delicious!! Wat’s for dinner is always a question in our house and this makes bying a premade pizza special for the whole family!

  2. I don’t have a picky eater, but your title must come out of my mouth several times a day. Thanks for another option!

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