Grateful for ‘people’

It all comes down to ‘people’. They come and go. Some stay. Many leave. Some get forgotten. Some leave scars.

They might be family, or friends, or lovers, or colleagues. Good or bad, each of them have a role in our lives.

So, I am so grateful for ‘people’!

For the ones who loved me, and for the ones who still do.
For the ones who supported me. Because they gave me strength to keep moving.
For the ones who doubted me. Because they gave me motivation to grow bigger and stronger.
For the ones who rescued me. Because they showed me that I was never alone.
For the ones who took me in. Because they proved that love just shows up… when you least expect.

I’m grateful for each hand that reached to mine when I was falling.
For each hug that warmed me up when I felt cold.
For each shoulder that accommodated my head when I felt lost….

I’m grateful for each person who listened to my crying, and offered a word of consolation or support. And I’m grateful for those whose silence was enough.

I’m grateful for the happy laughs, silly jokes, funny moments… And what would be the meaning of any of these if there were no people in my life?

I am grateful. I am grateful because I see that I am surrounded by people who care. Despite the odds, the distance, the political differences, the social statuses, the blood connections, they just care.
And I care about them. Not only today, but every day.

Rosie Williamson


  1. This pandemic sure has made it hard to remember to be grateful for people haha. But I am grateful for the ones helping save & keep us healthy. Great little poem <3

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